Business Articles / Leadership / Stress / Time Management

4 Simple Management Tasks to Make More of Your Limited Time

If you ask anyone over the age of 20 what the date is, after telling you, they will probably say you how quickly time flies. How it seems like only yesterday it was _____. This is especially true when you own a business. There never seems to be enough time in the day to do what you need to do. And you no sooner pay one bill than it’s due again.

Making the most of the time you have is essential to business success. But how do you beat the clock? When you’re responsible for the entire business, how do you ensure you have the time to be your most effective?

The first answer to this question is delegation, of course. You can’t do “all the things,” but assuming you have a solid team you can count on, here are four management focus and productivity tips to help regain some of that control over your lost time.

  1. Define a “Win”

Instead of getting lost in daily tasks, define what progress looks like for the week by listing 3-5 key goals. Create a “Weekly Win” card (on paper or electronically—wherever you will most likely use it) to keep the focus on the most meaningful accomplishments for that week.

Be specific about what makes it a “win.” For instance, if your win is lining up a new vendor for your operation, don’t focus on the number of calls you’ll need to make to find one. Focus on the outcome such as “A caterer by end of week and a cost savings of 2% over the last one.”

  1. Maintain Energy Awareness

Burnout is often due to energy-draining activities. Track your energy level for the day (or, even better, week) and compare it to your calendar. What were you doing when you were most energized? What zapped you of energy?

Take that information and do your best to eliminate energy draining tasks. Assign those tasks to someone who is energized by them. (Think introvert versus extrovert. We aren’t all drained by the same types of activities.) If you must complete those tasks yourself, either modify them to be less draining, or sandwich them in between tasks that invigorate you.

  1. Use a Daily Management Sprint

Allocate 30-60 minutes late in the day to tackle low-value administrative tasks or better yet find an AI that can do them for you. Administrative tasks rarely require heavy mental lifting so saving them for the end of the day is a great way to be more efficient. Save your mental capacity for heavier loads earlier in the day.

  1. Invest in a Vision

Spend 30 minutes daily on activities that build a better future, such as reading, learning a new skill, or working on a project. It’s easy to do this over your morning coffee or lunch. Consistent effort can lead to significant long-term progress toward attaining your professional vision.

These four managerial activities can help you make better use of your time and increase your productivity. At first glance, the tasks may seem simplistic, but that’s why they work. They help us increase our presence, focus on goals, and eliminate things that are clogging up productivity and weighing down our plate.




Christina Metcalf is a writer/ghostwriter who believes in the power of story. She works with small businesses, chambers of commerce, and business professionals who want to make an impression and grow a loyal customer/member base. She loves road trips, hates exclamation points, and is currently booking speaking engagements for her new book about pursuing dreams entitled The Glinda Principle.


Medium: @christinametcalf

Facebook: @tellyourstorygetemtalking

Instagram: @christinametcalfauthor

LinkedIn: @christinagsmith


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