At the regularly scheduled HDBA meeting yesterday morning it was decided to merge the Humboldt Tennessee Downtown Business Association with the Main Street Humboldt program effective immediately. Both organizations have very similar objectives, and by working together we can achieve those objectives better for our city and the businesses within. Please take a look at the items below for some of the significant changes and benefits of this merger.
· By merging with Humboldt Main Street, you also get the experience, ideas and backing of Tennessee Main Street and Main Street America. This can include various funding options, workshops, webinars and a full range of templates and ideas on the National association website. In other words, instead of reinventing the wheel, we can benefit by others’ experiences.
· Because Main Street Humboldt operates as a committee/division of the Humboldt Chamber, you have that safety net of a larger program
· There will be no separate dues for the Main Street program. If you’re a Humboldt Chamber member and located within the geographic lines of the Main Street district…you’re a Main Street Humboldt member.
· Because Main Street Humboldt operates as a committee of the Humboldt Chamber of Commerce, it falls under the Chamber’s 501(c)3 qualifications making it tax exempt as well as sales tax exempt.
· There will be no need for a separate insurance policy, as the Chamber of Commerce has a large, in-place policy. New events/activities will simply be added. Additional cost to the Chamber for these events will be low and those additional fees only can be paid by Main Street Humboldt.
· How does this move work as far as where this group is “housed”?
o Main Street Humboldt operates as a committee of the Humboldt Chamber. Main Street Humboldt is set as a line item (or multiple line items) in the full Chamber budget. A majority of the budget will come from merchandise sales, events, etc., however the Chamber will also help fund this organization.
· What if I’ve already paid my $50 HBDA dues?
o Those dues can be used as a pre-payment for a booth at an upcoming Main Street event or festival OR you can be listed as a sponsor at an upcoming event. (There will be new sponsorship levels and options for upcoming events, etc.) There may also be other options.
· Where will the funds from the HBDA account go?
o Those funds will move to the Main Street Humboldt budget line item to be used for Main Street activities only.
· Tell me about the committee or board structure going forward.
o There must be a liaison from the Humboldt Chamber board who will report ideas, questions, etc. back to the full Chamber Board. From the Chamber side, this will be called the “Chair.” ALL voices on the Main Street Committee (ie, those who show up to meetings, send their thoughts by email/phone, etc.) will count equally. All final decisions – especially those that are based on spending funds) will be put to the Chamber Board vote. If there are funds available and a large push from the committee to do said event or idea, there will most likely be little push-back from the board.
· What about Fall Festival?
o Fall Festival will now be a Main Street Humboldt event, but will function in exactly the same way it always has. The one caveat to that is that everyone will now be obligated to pay $50 per booth (since members will not be paying that $50 fee in dues). We hope to bring in a bigger sponsorship structure, more food trucks and vendors and other things to make it an even bigger day each Fall.
Working together we can continue to improve our city and businesses in downtown.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact:
Amanda Love – Humboldt Chamber – 784-1842
Michael Longmire – Plaza III – 431-7017
Tommy Goodrum – City Gift Company – 571-0037