
Humboldt Chamber of Commerce

Would you like to grow your business? Of course, and that’s one of the main reasons the Chamber exists. We want to help you develop and grow your business through referrals, promotions, sponsorships and more. Please take a moment to find out more about the Humboldt Chamber of Commerce, then get in touch by phone (731-784-1842), email or just come by our office. We’d love to talk with you! If you’re ready, you can join right now – just click HERE.

Why We’re Here

The Humboldt Chamber of Commerce is here to support the city of Humboldt and advance the business and industrial interests of our members.  We are the economic and community development agent of the city and strive to make Humboldt a great place to live, work, and do business!
Mission Statement
Our mission is to support our members, commerce and development while providing exceptional leadership to enhance the quality of life in Humboldt and the region.
Vision Statement
An indispensable resource for the Humboldt area business community.