About Us

What We Do

The Chamber of Commerce is in the business of helping your business succeed.  Whether it’s helping you find a location, promoting your business through ribbon cuttings and networking, or helping you improve your operation through consultation and training, we are here for you.

We support our members first, and we are advocates for anything that improves the business climate of this community.
We accomplish this through our staff and the various committees of the Board of Directors, and we’re always willing to do whatever we can to help our members.  The three major areas of emphasis are Economic Development, Member Development, and Quality of Life. So, what exactly does your Chamber do?Economic Development

One of our primary purposes is the economic and community development activity of this city.  We promote the city and recruit business and industry that are looking to locate to this area.  This is mainly carried out through responding to Requests for Information (RFIs), providing and maintaining information about available sites and the Humboldt area, improving the marketability of those available sites, and improving the workforce of this area.

Member Development

Our members are our first priority and our mission is to be an advocate for our business and industrial partners.  We always promote and refer Chamber members first, and only Chamber members are listed in our directory.  We also offer services to help our members succeed, such as business consultation, site location, and networking events.  The bottom line is that we are a resource whose focus is on business and industry.

Quality of Life

One of the most important aspects of locating a business is the quality of life of the community.  Since our founding in 1905, the Chamber has been at the forefront of improving Humboldt.  Many of the initiatives and organizations you see in Humboldt today have been born or discussed within the halls of this Chamber of Commerce.  And no event epitomizes that commitment to quality of life more than the annual West Tennessee Strawberry Festival. Each year, tens of thousands of locals and tourists of all ages flock to Humboldt to take part in one of the longest running festivals in the state. Since 1934, the West Tennessee Strawberry Festival has been bringing friends and family together for seven full days of fun and food. As the city’s DMO, we love bringing these tourists into our city to experience this long running event.

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